Friday, June 18, 2010

Todos Caerán - Ep (2010)

Despite the fact that I first heard about this band when Jordan (a member of "Todos Caeran") contacted me, I had a feeling of nostalgia and excitement purely invoked by the name of this project. A few years ago I had a big exam on my faculty on the subject of Art History and although the exam was brutal it's just one of those obstacles which you remember fondly, so this EP immediately threw me back into that period. Why? Well, the name "Todos Caeran" is Spanish for "All Will Fall", referring to an engraving by Francisco de Goya done at the end of the 18th century. Educational blog is educational and yes, I am a nerd.
In addition to the said personal liking and closeness to the name of the band, I was quite pleased and happy once I heard for myself that the band is excellent. Let's get a bit technical now. "Todos Caeran", or just "Todos" for those who don't know how to spell the entire name, is a four piece from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. They play an amazing mix of screamo, emo and somewhat jazzy hardcore. One of the first things that I realized is that all of the five featured songs are so well composed and perfectly fit together. The instruments seem like they are infused together so tight that no sound goes away from the others and the whole release just flows through your ears. The flowing feeling is so remarkable that the fourteen minutes of music pass by so quickly, basically the tunes just flooding over you, so you end up pressing "play" once more. Also I have to admit, I really dig the vocal. Although it is kind of a constant, rasping scream with not much change and diversity to it, it is quite excellent and I feel like, should it had different aspects to it, it would be unnecessary and it would probably disturb the song fusion and flow mentioned above.
Overall, as you see I am quite intrigued by this project. The personal connection, backed-up by some amazing tunes makes this a release to remember and come back to. This quartet has a lot of talent and potential, really looking forward to some more releases. Take your time and check them out, I'm sure you'll like them! You can contact them here. And while you are at it, you might enjoy Goya's work as well.

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