Monday, November 8, 2010

The Bridgeheads - Foreigners (2010)

It seems the world has been hit by a screamo drought, or maybe it's just me, who knows. Needless to say, I once again cast my eye onto some different genres and remembered this fine release. I actually said that I will post this some time ago, so finally here it is.

"The Bridgeheads" were a trio based in London, originally hailing from Slovakia, playing tunes ranging somewhere between indie and post punk, though the band itself claimed that they would be best described as expressionism. It suits them right, since when you delve deep into this band as a whole, with both their music and lyrics, drawings and paintings, you can see that it is something very artistic and filled with a lot of emotion, being created in a way to hit every possible angle of your senses. There is no need for me to describe to you here what I mean by that, since all of the details you can find on their Last.Fm and Myspace page (ms found here), with quite an in-depth analysis of everything found in this release. The lack of the said description is definitely making this writeup shorter, but it would just come down to me rewriting the already written words on the above mentioned pages.
I really find the general tone of this band to be quite sorrow-filled, probably due to the way I got introduced to them. The user "alexander" from cmhwak forums suggested that people check out this band and that is how I got into it as well. Sad to say that his post about "The Bridgeheads" was bearing bad news concerning the singer/guitarist of the band, which I must say left quite a mark on my impression of the whole project. It is probably my weak spot, but whenever I listen to this band there always happens to be even the slightest second when I think about how sad it is when a young life just fades away and ends. But, as my wise girlfriend said, music is music and it was made before such a terrible thing happened, and it should really be in Tomas's glory that people listen to this music the way it was meant to reach your ears.
I won't talk about what you can hear on this release. I really want for all of you to download this and check out for yourself. The lack of descriptions doesn't mean I find the music bad or not worth the words and space on this blog. The music and everything associated with this project is perfect. Discover it on your own, I am just here to point the way toward "The Bridgeheads".

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