Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Exclusive premiere: Mihai Edrisch - Farewell Show (live at Sonic, Lyon 07/2006)

As promised, following the previous interview with Mihai Edrisch is a video premiere of their final show, straight from Johan's archive. It is simply an amazing performance, although rather bittersweet, since we are given a few glimpses of things that were yet to come, sounds which were sadly never recorded in a studio. The final tunes ringing and dying as the video ends, knowing that such an important and iconic band of the genre will never play again... it all weighs heavily on you when you're left alone in silence.

Not much else to add, since you should be watching the recording instead of reading my words anyway, but I just have to say that I am truly beyond excited and proud to be hosting this on the blog. Enjoy!

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